dave^2 = -1
A software development blog by some bloke called Dave
Reader monad
The Reader monad is used to pass one value as an argument to a number of function calls. This can be useful when you require some configuration or environment information accessible from a block of functions.
This monad is provided in Haskell’s standard libraries, but let’s have a go at creating it ourselves.
Composition via scary-sounding maths terms
Last post we looked at composing lists of functions using folds. This let use write functions of type [a -> a] -> a -> a
to compose lists of functions (take a list of functions a -> a
, and return a single function a -> a
Another way to do this relies on treating functions of type a -> a
, also known as endomorphisms, as a monoid.
Prologue (or “Why bother?”)
Me-from-a-year-ago would have tuned out when someone dropped a monoid-bomb or similar term, assuming it was too complicated. Since then I’ve found lots of maths / category theory terms co-opted by computer science that represent surprisingly straight-forward and useful concepts. No Babel fish required, just a little bit of patience. :)
Even more surprisingly, I’ve found looking at this stuff both interesting and fun!
Composing multiple functions
Last post we looked at left-to-right function composition. One idea that cropped up while I was thinking about composition was how to compose an arbitrary number of functions, say, because we’re dealing with a list of them. For this case we want to convert a list of functions [a -> a]
into a single, composed function a -> a
One approach is to fold over the list, and apply the accumulated argument to each new function. Whether we choose fold left or right will depend on the order we want the functions composed. For example, [a, b, c]
can be composed right-to-left as a . b . c
, or left-to-right as c . b . a
Left-to-right function composition
FP newbie learns a little about monads
And so it has come to this. After learning a little bit about functors and applicative functors, I finally arrive at the notorious monad.
FP newbie learns a little about applicatives
A few posts back I learned that functors are types that can be mapped over. The idea is that if we have a function a -> b
, we would like to be able to apply that to a
s in different contexts, such as a list of a
, a Maybe a
, or an IO action that results in an a
. In the previous post we referred to these contexts as “boxes”, so we could lift a function a -> b
to work on a box of a
and return a box of b
-- "Functor f =>" just means that `f` refers to a functor type (or a type of box)
fmap :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
ghci> fmap succ (Just 4)
Just 5
ghci> fmap (^2) (Just 4)
Just 16
ghci> fmap (++"!") getLine
Hello World
"Hello World!"
All these calls map single argument functions over functors, which is neat, but a bit limiting. What happens if we map a two (or more) argument function like +
ghci> :t fmap (+) (Just 4)
fmap (+) (Just 4) :: Num a => Maybe (a -> a)
This gives us a +4
function in a Maybe
context, so fmap (+) (Just 4) = Just (4+)
. But how do we pass the second argument to this boxed up function? We can’t use fmap
again, because it’s signature takes an (a -> b)
, not a f (a -> b)
. But if f
is not just a functor, but an applicative functor, then we have another option. Applicative functors still support fmap
, but also add some other functions, the main one being:
(<*>) :: Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
The bizarre-looking <*>
function takes a boxed-up function a -> b
and applies it to a boxed-up a
, which is just what we need in this case.
Towards point-free redux
Over the last two posts I’ve made a few efforts to explain how we can drop of explicit argument references when moving functions towards point-free style. We’ve looked at currying, partial function application, and function composition as explanations for this. These concepts are really important, but after kicking around various ideas about this with a colleague I’ve decided to try and separate all these concepts from the most fundamental form of reducing a function towards point-free.
Towards point-free in C#
Last post we saw an example of writing a function to get the length of a list, first using explicit recursion, then folds, then moving towards point-free style by dropping explicit references to arguments where practical. To summarise the latter part of that post:
length xs = foldl' (\acc x -> acc+1) 0 xs
length = foldl' (\acc x -> acc+1) 0 -- `xs` appears on both sides, so can drop it.
length = foldl' (\acc x -> const (acc+1) x) 0 -- `const` ignores 2nd arg, returns 1st.
length = foldl' (\acc -> const (acc+1)) 0 -- Drop `x` from both sides of lambda
length = foldl' (\acc -> const (succ acc)) 0 -- Replace (+1) with built-in `succ` function
length = foldl' (\acc -> (const.succ) acc) 0 -- Function composition rule: (f.g) x = f(g x)
length = foldl' (const.succ) 0 -- Drop `acc` from both sides of lambda
The topic of this post is the “argument appears on both sides so can drop it” steps. How do we go from passing foldl'
a function which takes two explicit arguments (\arg x -> ...
) to none? The answer is by using currying, partial function application and function composition, and we can do both of these in C# (albeit not as neatly, as C# is not really built for it).
A lengthy approach to Haskell fundamentals
At my work a few of us developers are learning Haskell, starting with some exercises from Tony Morris’s YOW workshop last year. One of these exercises involves re-implementing some common operations on lists, and this has proved a great way to learn some of the basics of Haskell.
For this post we’ll be working through implementing our own version of the length
function, which takes a list and returns a integer reflecting the length of that list.
We’ll start with this non-functioning implementation, which we’ll call length'
so it doesn’t collide with Haskell’s built-in function ('
is a legal character to have in Haskell identifiers):
length' :: [a] -> Int
length' = error "todo"