The Reader monad is used to pass one value as an argument to a number of function calls. This can be useful when you require some configuration or environment information accessible from a block of functions.
This monad is provided in Haskell’s standard libraries, but let’s have a go at creating it ourselves.
A sample problem
Say we have a Person
data type with a name
, age
and address
, and we want to write a showPerson
function to display these details in a string.
data Person = Person { name :: String, age :: Int, address :: String }
showPerson :: Person -> String
showPerson person =
let x = "Name: " ++ name person
y = "Age: " ++ (show . age) person
z = "Address: " ++ address person
in unlines [x, y, z]
Notice how we need to pass the person
argument around everywhere? It would be nice to be able to have all this run in the context of a particular person
, and that’s what the Reader monad lets us do.
Rather than having the x
, y
, and z
parts of the showPerson
function each evaluating to a string, how about we instead treat them as functions of type Person -> String
. We’d like to compose all these together and return a value which is a combination of the previous results, which sounds like something we can use a monad for.
Implementing a monad for single argument functions
Rather than the specific Person -> String
functions from the example, we can look at the general case of a function r -> a
, or a function that reads some value of type r
and returns some other value. We are interested in the r ->
bit, but Haskell won’t let us do that. Instead we need to write it as (->) r
1 + 2
to prefix position as (+) 1 2
. This is just what we’ve done in moving r -> a
to (->) r a
All monads are functors, so let’s implement that first:
-- For some functor f:
-- fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
-- For ((->) r), substitute in for f:
-- fmap :: (a -> b) -> ((->) r) a -> ((->) r) b
-- Rewrite in infix position:
-- fmap :: (a -> b) -> (r -> a) -> (r -> b)
-- The only real way to implement a function of this type is
-- using function composition.
instance Functor ((->) r) where
fmap = (.)
We can follow the same trail of types to implement the monad type class:
-- For a monad m:
-- (>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
-- Substitute ((->) r) for m:
-- (>>=) :: (r -> a) -> (a -> r -> b) -> r -> b
instance Monad ((->) r) where
return = const
f >>= g = \r -> let a = f r
in g a r
We can now rewrite our showPerson
example by binding together the functions that read the Person
information using >>=
showPerson :: Person -> String
showPerson = (
("Name: " ++) . name >>= \x ->
("Age: " ++) . show . age >>= \y ->
("Address: " ++) . address >>= \z ->
return (unlines [x,y,z])
Alternatively we can use Haskell’s do-notation. (The two forms are equivalent; Haskell will turn this into the same code as the above snippet, but do-notation tends to look neater.)
showPerson :: Person -> String
showPerson = do
x <- ("Name: " ++) . name
y <- ("Age: " ++) . show . age
z <-("Address: " ++) . address
return . unlines $ [x,y,z]
Built-in reader
We can import Control.Monad.Reader to make our showPerson
examples compile without having to define the reader implementation ourselves.
This implementation also provides a Reader
type and ReaderT
monad transformer, along with ask
, asks
, and local
functions to access the passed in environment, and a runReader
function to pass an environment to a Reader
and get the result. I haven’t had a need for these yet, but thought I’d mention them as they crop up in examples all the time. (I’m guessing these functions are most useful when using reader with monad transformers, but I’m still trying to work those out. :))