Today I wanted to test a few boolean expressions, and ended up with some quick truth table generation hackery in Haskell which I thought I’d note down for next time. I’m sure there are many better ways of doing this, but this way was mine.
Here’s a list of all booleans in GHCi:
λ> let bools = [False, True]
We can use the default applicative instance for lists to run all combinations of bools
through a function. If we use a tuple constructor, we’ll get truth table inputs (shown below for 2 and 3 argument expressions).
λ> (,) <$> bools <*> bools
λ> (,,) <$> bools <*> bools <*> bools
Let’s check a basic expression p
, and its equivalent using De Morgan’s laws. Writing x <$> bools <*> bools
gets repetitive, so we’ll start off by defining tt2
to get truth-tableish output values for a 2 input function Bool -> Bool -> Bool
λ> let tt2 f = f <$> bools <*> bools
tt2 :: (Bool -> Bool -> b) -> [b]
λ> let p a b = not (a && not b)
λ> let p' a b = not a || b
λ> tt2 p
λ> tt2 p'
λ> tt2 p == tt2 p'
We can then zipWith
to get truth table inputs with the corresponding truth table output (using a bit of uncurry
λ> :t uncurry (,,)
uncurry (,,) :: (a, b) -> c -> (a, b, c)
λ> zipWith (uncurry (,,)) (tt2 (,)) (tt2 p)
Or for more arguments:
λ> let tt3 f = f <$> bools <*> bools <*> bools
tt3 :: (Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> b) -> [b]
λ> zipWith (\(a,b,c) d -> (a,b,c,d)) (tt3 (,,)) (tt3 (\a b c -> a && b || c))
We can write something to format these nicely, but this was enough for me to get the information I wanted about a few expressions.