For sale: Several tonnes of yak hair, going cheap

A sordid tale of builds, Gradle, Grunt, node, yarn, Linux, TeamCity, Docker, ssh, and shaven yaks.

Happy yak shaving! (src)
Happy yak shaving! (src)

Once upon a time there was a project that produced a JAR based on some generated code. I needed to make a repeatable, versioned build for the JAR and plug it into TeamCity so I could reference that build artifact from my current project. Simple!

What could possibli go rong? (src)
What could possibli go rong? (src)

Here is a rough timeline of how this went.

WARNING! In case it is not painfully obvious, this is all me learning stuff so any specifics mentioned are probably sub-optimal at best to destructive at worst. This is more about the journey than the destination.

Local build

  • Do some initial analysis and find I need to invert the current relationship between the JAR project and the generation code (so building the JAR can call out to a specific version of the generator and get freshly generated files).
  • Learn some Node and Grunt so I can update the generator to accept a parameter to change the output directory, then update the JAR project to have the generator as a git submodule so we can control the version used.
  • Learn enough Gradle to trigger the generation code on build, then build the JAR and run tests.
  • Learn a bit more Gradle to call git describe with --first-parent and use this information to shove some version info into the manifest.
  • Test build with clean checkout and various tags, document and push changes.

So far so good! Now to wire this up to TeamCity.

Add build to TeamCity

  • Create TeamCity build
  • Build immediately fails: --first-parent is not supported by git describe
  • Log in to build agent, find it has git 1.8.3, but --first-parent was added to git describe in 1.8.4.
  • Try to update git on build agents, which needs to be done from source as an updated package is not readily available.
  • Building from source requires some new packages installed, which fails due to some certificate misconfiguration for one repository.
  • Type stuff into Google until I find a magic flag to skip that repo and get the packages installed.
  • Install updated git.
  • Build gets a step further, but fails at the generation code step. The generator requires specific versions of node and yarn. The agents have different versions.
  • Start installing updated node and yarn from packages, working around repository problems.
  • Find out that another project has started sharing these agents and requires a different version of node and yarn. They can’t change their version either.
  • Roll back node and yarn changes.


At this point someone suggests trying Docker to isolate the build dependencies. The generator team has an image for the generator I can use as a base. I can then create an image that adds the JDK and the version of Git I need and I should be good to go.

  • Start learning Docker.
  • Try to work out whether to install Docker locally via brew or via the installer, reading conflicting information on both (I ended up with the installer).
  • Work through the Docker tutorial.
  • Learn a bit about images, containers, tags and how to manage the disk space used for these (docker system df -v, different prune options).
  • Get access to the registry used for storing the base image.
  • Work out how to create a new Docker image with the required JDK version on top of the base image.
  • Learn how to run a bash shell in a container based on this image: docker run -it image_name bash
  • The base image already has a modern version of git installed. Hooray!
  • Learn how to clean up transient containers used for bash shells: docker run -it --rm image_name bash
  • Work out how to map volumes to get host’s SSH working within container. Something like: docker run -it --rm -v ${HOME}/.ssh:/root/.ssh -v $SSH_AUTH_SOCK:/ssh-agent -e SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/ssh-agent image_name bash
  • Work out how to use host’s Gradle properties within container: docker run -it --rm -v ${HOME}/.gradle:/root/.gradle ...
  • Get build working in container! Hooray!
  • Come up with a versioning and tagging scheme for the Dockerfile and corresponding image so that we always have enough information to build each commit of the project with a compatible Docker image.
  • Publish new image to registry and test build.
  • Document all this in the project readme.

Add Docker build to TeamCity

Great, home stretch now. TeamCity has some Docker integration so this should be easy.

  • Attempt to install Docker on build agents. Unfortunately due to more package problems this does not work. Have to wget some other packages and manually install them before installing the Docker package.
  • Read up on TeamCity’s Docker integration.
  • Work out how to generate a key for TeamCity to talk to the image registry.
  • Update the TeamCity build to use the required image.
  • Run the build… JVM crash on the agent!
  • Log in to agent, find that Docker stores images and containers at a location mounted with no free space.
  • Work with server team to get more space at that mount point.
  • Run again, but generation fails. It needs access to checkout its own dependencies via SSH to a separately hosted repo.
  • Read up on SSH with TeamCity and Docker, and the git hosting being used for the other repo.
  • Talk to generation team about accessing these dependencies. Get access to generate token with SSH key that can be used for this.
  • Work out how to assign the token to the required dependency on the git host.
  • Add key to TeamCity and assign it to the build. Same error.
  • Find out about TeamCity SSH Agent build feature that needs to be added with the selected key. Same error.
  • Update TeamCity build’s Docker parameters to pass through SSH info from host. Same error.
  • Various combinations of the above. Same error.
  • Work out it is a problem with ~/.ssh/known_hosts. Update this on the agents (ssh-keyscan -t rsa the_repo >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts), then make sure .ssh from host gets mapped to container via Docker parameters.
  • Different error! Well, same error, but for a different dependency.
  • Assign token to new dependency.
  • Assign token to the other 4 dependencies as each new error occurs.
  • Finally get through the main build!

Then it failed on deployment due to a different credential issue to another internal system. But after temporarily disabling deployment, the build works! Once I sort out the deployment problem I can start on my actual task of adding this library to my project. But that should be simple to fix, right?

Now if you’ll excuse me I’m going to go and have a bit of a lie down on several mountains of yak hair-stuffed cushions.
