F# assertion libraries

There are a few different libraries that provide test assertions for F#. I went through a couple today and tried a trivial example in each.

I’m using xUnit for these examples, but all of this should apply to NUnit (and other test runners) too. I’ve put all the code in a Sample.fs gist if you want to see it all in one place.

xUnit assertions

I’ve written about getting started with NUnit in F# before. We can also use xUnit and its built in assertions.

open Xunit

let ``map (+1) over list using Xunit`` () =
    let result = List.map incr [1;2;3]
    Assert.Equal<int list>([2;3;4], result)

I needed to specify the int list type explicitly to get F# to resolve the correct overload.

Here’s an example of an assertion failure (when I change the expected value to [2;3;5]):

Position: First difference is at position 2
Expected: FSharpList<Int32> { 2, 3, 5 }
Actual:   FSharpList<Int32> { 2, 3, 4 }


FsUnit provides helpers for NUnit, xUnit, MbUnit, and MSTest assertions to make them play nicely with F# syntax and type inference. I installed the FsUnit.Xunit package.

open FsUnit.Xunit

let ``map (+1) over list using FsUnit.Xunit`` () =
    let result = List.map incr [1;2;3]
    result |> should equal [2;3;4]

Sample failure:

Position: First difference is at position 0
Expected: Equals [2; 3; 5]
Actual:   was [2; 3; 4]

(I’m not sure why first difference is at position 0 here?)


Unquote lets us use quoted expressions for assertions.

open Swensen.Unquote

let ``map (+1) over list using Unquote`` () =
    test <@ List.map incr [1;2;3] = [2;3;4] @>

If the test fails, Unquote shows each step in reducing the expression so you can see where they start to differ:

List.map Sample.incr [1; 2; 3] = [2; 3; 5]
[2; 3; 4] = [2; 3; 5]

This case only shows 3 steps, but more complex expressions will show more.


FsCheck is influenced by Haskell’s QuickCheck and Scala’s scalacheck. Rather than asserting a specific input and output, we define a property that should hold for all values of a type (optionally requiring they meet certain criteria, such as being a positive integer).

The FsCheck.Xunit package has specific support for xUnit through a PropertyAttribute that let us run properties directly as an xUnit test (otherwise a little more boilerplate is required, see “Using FsCheck with other testing frameworks” in the Quick Start guide).

open FsCheck
open FsCheck.Xunit

let ``map f . map g = map (f . g)`` (xs:int list) =
    let f x = x*10
    let g x = x+1
    (List.map f << List.map g) xs = List.map (f << g) xs

If we modify the property to ensure it fails (for example, (List.map f << List.map g) xs = List.map (f << g) (List.filter even xs)), we get this output:

Falsifiable, after 3 tests (2 shrinks) (StdGen (267259328,295888818)):

This shows that given an input of [1] the property does not hold.


Fuchu is more focussed on test organisation than assertions, and can be used with any of the assertion-providing libraries above. If you’d like to try something different to the usual (N|x|Mb)Unit approaches for defining test cases then give it a look.
