As a result of the recent ALT.NET conference in Austin, there is an effort to gather a bit of a community around the ALT.NET values and use its forces for good, not evil.

The ALT.NET community is all about finding better ways to develop .NET software. By “better”, we are really talking about considering alternatives, with the aim of getting enough information out there for developers to make informed choices for their projects. There is always room for improvement, and by continually looking out for alternative approaches that offer improvements we can all become better developers and deliver better software.

An ALT.NET Wiki has been started to support this. Early days yet, but worth keeping an eye on, and contributing if you have something to add. I may only be a Mort(3), but I definitely share the ALT.NET philosophy of continual improvement and am keen to learn from the community (and hopefully learn enough to give something back too :-) ).
